The Leading of Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Helps us Follow Jesus

Let’s introduce a topic that’s important to many of us. It’s called the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the one who guides us, helps us, protects us, and gives us strength. He is guiding us and protecting our progress on this journey. But there are a lot of people who have been given the Holy Spirit as a gift in their lives but they don’t know how to use it.

And this is what I will attempt to do:

I will share with you some of the principles that I believe are important to understand when it comes to understanding and leading the Holy Spirit in your life.

The Holy Spirit Gives us Spiritual Gifts

You can’t pray alone. You need a friend to lead you in prayer.  The Holy Spirit is that friend. He leads us by the hand and helps us walk through the labyrinth of life. He teaches us how to pray, how to love, how to forgive, and how to be strong in faith when we need it most.

He gives us the gift of spiritual gifts  but he doesn’t force them upon us. He gives them to those who are ready for them.

The Holy Spirit inspires us to be better versions of ourselves while we’re on this earth, but we must follow his lead and not try our best without Him here with us. We aren’t going to do it alone; we aren’t always going to be right and perfect with God’s guidance on our every move.  We need His help—His presence—in every area of our lives, as well as in our spiritual endeavors as shepherds or leaders of other believers through prayer and example .

It’s easy for so many people today to think that they have all the answers and their faith is unshaken, but don’t mistake an empty life for a healthy one . Many Christians today are in a state of crisis , afraid that there isn’t enough joy in their lives (or their church). They want something more than what they already have or what they can get from someone else . That kind of emptiness hurts more than anything else because it leaves you feeling incomplete . And emptiness hurts even more than not having enough money or material possessions . Being empty doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself if that’s what you think experiencing emptiness means (it doesn’t). What’s true is that your faith isn’t always strong nor can it be relied on when everything else fails around you—whether it’s financial problems, relationship issues, health issues, work issues ,or sicknesses among others. There will be times when good things happen but there will also be times when nothing at all happens—when everything seems hopelessly wrong or bad things even seem worse than before (especially within the first few months & years). Just sit with that feeling and ask God for help; whatever He gives you will sustain you until He leads you back into His presence once again so that all your troubles go away and God’s promises come true again!

The Holy Spirit Teaches us Truth

Many Christians, especially in the United States, are taught that the Holy Spirit can teach us truth. They teach that unless we have the Holy Spirit guiding us then we cannot know or understand anything. But this teaching is false. The Holy Spirit can and does reveal truth to us. He will never reveal something to us if He doesn’t want us to receive it.

The Bible tells us:

“As a father pours out to his children the joy of his heart and a light of his lamp…so will I pour out my spirit to you, giving you my joy and my happiness.” (Isaiah 42:14)

“He Himself is our Father; for Whom we ascend from earth to heaven, from His face all glory and honor shine forth.” (Colossians 3:23)

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of faith and of love and of power.” (2 Corinthians 3:6)

One who speaks lies about God is like a snake who slithers into the eyes. This is why Jesus said, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must Y eupset the sea” (John 3:14). This alludes to how important it is for believers to understand God’s Word correctly. It would be like trying to stand on your head while sitting down because your legs are too weak.

The Holy Spirit Consoles Us in our Suffering

We are given a guide to help us through the trials we face, and we’ve been given the Holy Spirit to help us with those trials. However, when we get into the difficult parts of life — when our normal toughness fails us — we need more than just a guide. We need a spiritual friend.

A friend doesn’t just show up in your life and say “let me introduce you to my best friend!” They show up with their own problems, insecurities, and struggles. They reveal themselves to you as a real person who needs your support. This is why people get together for coffee and play board games; because they want someone to be there with them when things feel like hell on earth.

The Holy Spirit who comforts us in the midst of suffering is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who died for our sins so that we can live eternally with Him. The Holy Spirit comforts, inspires, empowers all believers through prayer:  “The Holy Spirit takes away sins”  (James 5:16) “But He was pierced for our transgressions; He sustained death upon the cross that we might live” (Colossians 1:20) “The grace of God has appeared in this age to save men from [punishment] by [death] that they may receive an inheritance… ” (Titus 3:5).

The Holy Spirit is the Guarantee of our Inheritance of Eternal Life with God

The Holy Spirit is the Guarantee of our Inheritance of Eternal Life with God because He is the presence of God Himself. He is the presence that we are called to be faithful to in today’s world.

The Holy Spirit is the Guarantee of our Inheritance of Eternal Life with God because He is the presence that we are called to be faithful to in today’s world. Our faithfulness to Him will guarantee our inheritance. Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.”

The Holy Spirit is the Guarantee of our Inheritance of Eternal Life with God because He is the presence that we are called to be faithful to in today’s world. Our faithfulness to Him will guarantee our inheritance. Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.”


Our minds are too small to think about the big questions. We want to know what happens next. We want to understand the big picture. Our small minds seek comfort from the familiar and comfortable.

So, we turn to someone who can help us understand all of this as a child does: God in His Holy Spirit.

But when we ask something of Him, God answers with a one-word answer, an airy statement like “Oh, I don’t know…” or “No…” or “I don’t know…” or “I don’t know… . . . . . . . . . ?”

How often do we say things like that? How often do we hear things like that? How often do we say things like that even if we really don’t know if it is true?

What then does God mean by those words in answering our prayers?

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