Saint Benedict

Prayer Wall

5,284 Prayer Requests (Showing the last 50 entries)


So my family returns to Catholic church

My family

Family returns to faith


Please offer a mases and prayers for my 5 year old son Noel that God gives him His Righteousness and Kingdom .
That He gives him abundant , prospeoures and blessed life full of Gods riches and hapiness.
That vocation that God inivited him He is brilliant at it .That he is succesfull beyond wildest dream .That he have perfect family , wife and lots of children .
That God s hand and favours and blessings in every area of life are allways with him and his future wife and children forever.
That Jesus s blood allways cover them and protect them in His name i ask.
Thank you and God bless you all abundantly.


That my husband will not have a quick temper and that he will stop been violent, verbally abusing and harassing me. that he will be good to me and my parents and treat us with love and respect. That he will not stop me from helping my elderly parents who are ill . That he will be honest to me and my parents and and pay me all the money that he owes me and stop stealing from me. That he will not have hatred towards me and my parents and not keep grudges. That his family will not cheat him and exploit him. That we will never part and always have a loving happy holy marriage. That my in-laws and others will not interfere and create problems for us and our marriage. That his family members will not stay with us . That myself my children, my husband and my parents will be healthy and safe. That he will provide me the necessary help to take care of the children and fulfill his responsibilities. That our marriage will be blessed and protected by our loving Jesus Christ and our dear Holy Mother Mary . For my husband and me to be guided by the Holy Spirit. That he will provide me and the children with our needs. That he will talk to a good priest for counseling with me without a problem. That we will not have to use legal means and resolve our issues via a good Priest . As a Mother I am really stressed by this issue. Amen. for the good health, peace of mind, protection of my dear children who are living away from me with my husband's and his parents. That my children will NOT be abused or harassed in any way. For the children to know that I love them and are there for them. For the good health, peace of mind and protection of all illness, danger and harm for my dear children, parents and myself. That the relationship between my children and I, my parents and I and my children and parents will always be a good, loving, honest and close warm relationship. That my children's mind will not be poisoned and confused by my husband and his family. For my daughter to urgently healed from V.
Praise and Thank God, Amen.

Carlos Rodríguez

I need prayer support:
I’m about to go into court. Please pray with me during this time. I have no ideal what’s going to become of me. Trusting in the Lord to save me from my troubles.
Yours truly
Carlos Rodriguez

Darla Heimer

I pray for my boyfriend Andy Winkleman to stop drinking. So are relationship becomes stronger & he respects me more. I pray that no weapon formed against him or I shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen. Also financial breakthroughs. So I may be debt free. Thank you God. I praise glorify magnify bless you Lord Jesus Christ Amen. I love you and forever need you always.


Send heavens greatest help now!

Claire Kresco

Healing for Bob


Please offer a masses and prayers for my friends two brothers Jure and Mario Jovanović .
They both had same lungomare cancer within a 3 months diference.
Both are good family man .
One is 45 other 49 year old.
Please Lord Jesus give them You rightousness and Kingdom and give them spiritual and phycical health in Your nighty name we ask You .
Thank You for hearin us we allready acomplished what we have ask for them.
Thank You
Holy are though
You are the blessed One
We love You
We thank You
Dear beloved Jesus
Please give them supernatural strenght and grace to them and to all of their loved ones .And that Lord bless them all in all areas of their lives.
Thank you and God bless you all abundantly


My family return to their faith




Please protect my son from all evil . Also let the judge give him custody of his daughter. Protect all my Grandchildren.


Peace for Patty's loss. Conversion of my family. My vocation

Anubhab Mallick

Lord i confess all my sins of repeated and addiction of masturbation and watching lustful images and thoughts and videos , worshipping other false Gods , using of abusive language and disobedience to LORD commandments and disobedience to parents and partner. And other mortal and venial sins and adultery sins . Deliver me from pains of hell to Joy of heaven. Give me my eternal salvation..

Emma Lou

cure my neuropathy


Conversion of lacy,Marie and Anita back to the church catholic .needing financial blessings urgently. For poor souls in purgatory, for my son in college to continue to make mass and pray for protection from the evil one


I pray for a blessing of a solid income from home, healing my daughters relationship as I haven't seen her or my grandchildren in over a year, my son's improved health from Afib, to regain strength after sickness, and the return of thousands stolen from my bank account. In the name of the Father Son And Holy Spirit. Amen.


Financial security for Pat McDuff and for me so we can have peace during our final years.


Full removal of the cankerworm spirit from my life for good. Joel 2:25-26

Malgorzata M Drozdz

St. Benedict thank you very much for all help from God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Holy Mary, All Saints and Angels and Archangels!
Please help me and friend Kamil with financial problems!
Thank you , Amen

Margaret Duckett

I come to you with a humble heart please help me in my endeavors all my life I have been hated by many everywhere I go I have a good heart and I'm willing to help anyone that needs my help.. I'm often used and abused by everyone that I help...lead me to a new group of people that has my best interest a heart, remove me away from Satan and sin...I want to relocate but I don't have the funds to do so lead me guide me direct me to the right sources lead me in the right direction pray for me and keep me safe from the hands of my enemies Amen




Pray for my family and myself at these trying times.

Maria Malara

St benedict pray for health and blessings for me and my family .

Maria Malara

St benedicts bless me and my family Hennry Mark and Arthur help us be healthy and strong be ok at job and find better job for son mark amen.

Malgorzata M Drozdz

St. Benedict please pray and help me and my friend Kamil D. Please help as overcome financial difficulties with a miracle!!! Thank you very much, Amen

Malgorzata M Drozdz

St. Benedict please pray for me and my friend Kamil! Please help him in his financial situation, health and well been. Thank you, Amen

Maria Malara

ST Benedict bless me for my surgery on 09-28-23 let it be successful, amen..


Deat heavenly father pray for my Children and i for good health luck abundance achievement prosperity there has been one road block behind each other guidance protection sheild my grandchildren under your wings help my oldest to get good answers soon my youngest clarity that he would just finish his degree keep focus take away all distractions move forward my other son business to prosper and draw them closer to god new start blessings.


St. Benedict please pray for my strength to stay strong and believe that our financial problem me working part time for now will flourish more students to come in to the center I am working at, believe that our financial debts will get better. Thank you amen.

Carlos Rodriguez

My prayer petition is the court house have mercy in my case of defense.
May the Attorney in my case be guided by GODS thoughts to my favor.

Charlotte Vanover

Please protect my family in these dire times and help me to regain strength and good health in the days to tome in Jesus name,Amen

Maria Malara

St Benedict, please pray for my health and my husband sick with dementia and other problem job for son mark. Blessings for son Arthur and his family, keep us healthy and save amen.

Malgorzata M Drozdz

St. Benedict please pray for me: health and paying off debts and money to buy a car! Thank you very much for all your help.Amen



William Ramsey

Please pray for protection and abundance blessings. Thank you.

Carlos Rodriquez

That the good LORD BLESS me with a bigger house for me and granddaughter and her children. Also for increase of financial


Repose of the souls of Wayne and Melinda Who were killed in an accident Aug.2,2023 Please take care of the family.

Darla Heimer

Heavenly Father , I am praying for breakthroughs, blessings, miracle's, favor, and your ointing in every area of my life. Help me my Father with my father's lawsuit against my brother to right the wrong that he has done& to grant my father's request to do righteous. And to have my relationship with my boyfriend to be better. & Increase in my finances so I can bless others. Bring it to life Father if it be your will. With the power of the cross & the blood of Jesus Christ Amen

Darla Heimer

Heavenly Father , I am praying for breakthroughs, blessings, miracle's, favor, and your ointing in every area of my life. Help me my Father with my father's lawsuit against my brother to right the wrong that he has done& to grant my father's request to do righteous. And to have my relationship with my boyfriend to be better. & Increase in my finances so I can bless others. Bring it to life Father if it be your will. With the power of the cross & the blood of Jesus Christ Amen

Kingsley N.gameduru

Lord my God bless my table water business named K-NGAMS & BROTHRRS INTRRNATIONAL LTD to expand and prosper to the East, west, north and south of this world divinely Amen. Lord cause my business to flourish nationally and internationally that people will work for my business and begin to cooperate with its growth so that divine testimonies will occure Amen. God of success push my business to every day success, monthly and yearly success Amen. God divinely you're involved in my business let it be established for open doors Amen. No weapon formed against me and my new business shall prosper in Jesus name Amen and Amen

Kingsley N.gameduru

Lord my God bless my table water business named K-NGAMS & BROTHRRS INTRRNATIONAL LTD to expand and prosper to the East, west, north and south of this world divinely Amen. Lord cause my business to flourish nationally and internationally that people will work for my business and begin to cooperate with its growth so that divine testimonies will occure Amen. God of success push my business to every day success, monthly and yearly success Amen. God divinely you're involved in my business let it be established for open doors Amen. No weapon formed against me and my new business shall prosper in Jesus name Amen and Amen

Robert Pabelico

I Am in Desperate need of Financial help there 3 young women depending on me for Support one I'm helping to finish school Please, Pray for me to Receive a Financial Miracle so I could continue Providing for them!

Thank You All!! Amen!

Shirley Bardier

Pray for my daughter 38 years old long term drug addition please help her

Jose F Rodriguez sr

Dear St’ Benedict , i pray that my application for the apartment is finalized on Monday and I’m able to
Pay for application and holding fees
So I can move in , next month,
Please let this be, Amen,..

Darla Heimer

Dear God I come to you with all my situation's that are a currin in my life. Please assist me with your guidance with them all with the reserection of the blood of Jesus Christ Amen. Please help me. I lift them all to you. I praise, glorify, magnify you Lord Jesus Christ Amen

Darla Heimer

Dear God I come to you with all my situation's that are a currin in my life. Please assist me with your guidance with them all with the reserection of the blood of Jesus Christ Amen. Please help me. I lift them all to you. I praise, glorify, magnify you Lord Jesus Christ Amen

Francisco Soria

Thank you for being there for me and my family help me learn to keep saving money cause I need help with it

Kingsley N.gameduru

St Benedict pray for me to receive the angelic mantal of favor from God almighty. Guide and protect me from evil arrow that fly by day and night. Make me a lender and employer through Christ the lord Amen



Prayer Wall

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