7 Ways To Remember Your Loved Ones Even If They Are Gone

Memories are a wonderful thing.

We miss the good times, and we remember the bad times. We remember how our loved ones felt and how they made us feel. And, sometimes, we remember them so well that we can still feel them with us in our memories.

It is hard to believe that the person who made us laugh and smile, is no longer with us. But it is true. They are gone. And no matter how painful it is, we have to remember them. It is our privilege and duty to remember them.

Why Remember Your Loved Ones Even If They Are No Longer Around

When we lose a loved one, it can be really hard to cope with the loss. There are many reasons to remember our loved ones even after they have passed away. For one, they are a part of our lives and our memories, and remembering them helps us to keep them alive in our hearts. Additionally, remembering our loved ones can help us to cope with our grief and to find comfort in the midst of our sorrow. Remembering our cherished ones can assist us to understand and reflect on the time we had with them and to cherish the reminiscences we have got of them.

How to Loved Ones Even If They Are Gone

One of the hardest things to do is to remember and “loved ones” that are gone. Whether they have passed away or they are just gone for a while, it can be a difficult task. Sometimes, the longer the person is gone, the memories of our loved one fade away too, so it can become difficult to remember them.

However, there are numerous ways to remember them. Here are seven ways to remember and honour our loved ones that are gone.

  1. Write a letter

Saying goodbye to a loved one who has passed away is one of the most difficult things a person can do. The process of grieving can be long and difficult, and it is important to give yourself time to mourn.

There are many resources available to help you through this difficult time, and one of it is to write a letter. If someone has passed away, it can be difficult to say goodbye. Writing a letter to your loved ones is a great way to let them know how their loved ones lived on in your life and how much they are missed.

  1. Make a photo album or scrapbook

Having photos of your loved one in your home will help you to remember them every day. Creating a photo album or scrapbook is a great way to do that. You can include photos, memories, and anything else that reminds you of them. You can display photo album or scrapbook on your coffee table, or in your bedroom.

Seeing their face will help to keep their memory alive. This is a project that you can work on over time and it will be a cherished memento.

  1. Create a shrine

People are constantly in search of a way to commemorate the love they have for the loved ones that they have lost. Some people turn to memorial shrines to help them with their grieving process. Explore the idea of creating your own memorial shrine for the loved ones passed on. This is a way to pay homage to the one that we lost.

  1. Wearing a piece of their clothing or jewellery

This is a really nice way to keep your loved ones close to you, and it can be really comforting on days when you are feeling particularly down. If you have a piece of clothing or jewellery that belonged to a passed on loved one, wear it today in their honour. It is a initimate way to feel connected to them.

  1. Keep a lock of their hair

Hair can carry deep emotions attached to it. It can be a way to keep a loved one close to you, something to think about them, or something to remember them by. Being able to look at their hair is something that can bring peace of mind to those that are grieving.

After a loved one passes on, it can be hard to cope with the loss. One helpful way that some people find it easier to cope, is by keeping a lock of the loved one’s hair with them. This can serve as a reminder and memento of their existence. They can also serve as a memento of the loved one.

  1. Create a memory box

If you are having a hard time adjusting, try to start the grieving process with a memory box. It is a box that you will fill with mementos and special items that have meaning to you.

You can put photos, mementos, and anything else that reminds you of your loved one in the box or add anything you want to it. The items in the box reflects your loved one or has a special meaning to you with your loved one that passed on.

  1. Donate to a charity in their name

Donating to a charity in your loved one’s name is a beautiful way to remember them. You can donate to their favourite charity or to a charity that was important to them.

This is a great way to honour their memory and turn a grief into a positive impact to help those in need.


Everyone has a different way of remembering loved ones. Some people like to write letters, while others like to make a shrine or keep a photo album. Talk about them often and share stories and memories with others to keep their memory alive.

Beyond the seven ways that are shared here, remember this: The important thing is to find your own way of remembering those who are gone and let your loved ones know that they are always present in your heart and mind.

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