You Can Use Prayer to Find Peace, Courage, Guidance and Strength

Life can be tough sometimes. We’ve all been hurt and find ourselves feeling down about things. Prayer is a good way to lift you back up when you’re down, and give you strength. Prayer isn’t just for religion, it’s also for improving life in general. Prayer is an important and powerful means of finding peace, courage, guidance and strength. Prayer has the power to change minds and hearts, mend relationships and open our minds to understand. It can give us the courage to reach for the sun. Prayer helps us understand that God’s will always is good even when it does not make sense or appear fair.

When life becomes so hard you feel like you can’t deal with it anymore, pray.

I pray to find courage: I ask for the faith to meet the challenges in my life with confidence and hopefulness.

I pray to find strength: I ask for the peace of mind that comes from knowing that with God’s help all things are possible.

Pray for peace of mind, for the ability to make it through a difficult day without adding more difficulty to your life.

Pray for guidance that leads you in the right direction, for insight into what matters most and what is least important.

Thank God for everything he has given you and pray that he helps you use it all wisely. Pray that he helps you to stay on the right track, to keep moving forward in life instead of falling backward into destruction.

Acknowledge that though you may be going through a dark time now, if you hang on, keep praying and keep moving forward little by little every day, it will get better. And if it doesn’t get better right away, pray that it will eventually get better than ever before. Pray that your faith won’t be broken by this trial but strengthened by it instead.

Be aware of your thoughts, tackle any negativities, learn how to relax and let go of the past! Smile! See the good in others and believe in yourself! You can find peace and strength through prayer!

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