A Joyful Goodbye

If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father…”

—  John 14:28

Goodbyes can be challenging. My kids always cry when distant family members leave when they come to visit. The kids ask, “Why can’t they stay longer?”

The idea of Jesus leaving was troubling to Jesus’ disciples as well. Who would now impart knowledge of God’s kingdom to them? Jesus, however, is adamant that their benefit will come from his leaving.

The disciples would be reminded of these words by the Spirit following Jesus’ death, burial, and ascension. Jesus’ statement about “going back to the Father” made sense at that point. The future of those who follow the Father’s will is not death, but glory.

The words of Jesus point us to both his and our final destinations: a full life in God’s presence. We might still feel depressed after a loss. However, we can be glad that even death serves as a gateway to our heavenly Father.

Holy Spirit, bring to mind the words of Jesus. Help us to rejoice in the governing authority of Jesus in the face of loss and to see our future with the Father. Amen.

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