About Saint Benedict Prayer Wall

The Saint Benedict Prayer Wall is for believers who wish to pray for blessing to Saint Benedict but are unable to physically travel to the Montecassino, Latin Valley.


Saint Benedict was born in Italy, but his exact date of birth is unknown.

He was raised by his mother and father and was educated at home. He had two brothers and a sister who died during infancy. He attended the University of Padua, where he studied theology.

He then traveled throughout Europe to study further at the Catholic University of Paris, where he became friends with Saint Thomas Aquinas and was impressed by the latter’s writings on philosophy.

After returning to Italy he set up a monastery on Mount Sutri in 496 AD. It would become the first anchor of a new order that would later come to be known as Benedictines, named after him. Saint Benedict spent his life following the Rule of Saint Benedict . Followers of Saint Benedict are called Benedictines .

Saint Benedict served King Theodoric as abbot for thirty years until Theodoric eventually died in 526 AD. He is buried at Sutri Monastery in Italy .


The age of Saint Benedict is one characterized by monasticism. Monasticism is the major, unchallenged foundation of Christian life and culture in this age—the age of the great, soon to be-famous monk and father of all the monks who have followed him.

Saint Benedict was a young man when he became a monk. He took up his vows at the age of fifteen and never left them until he died at the ripe old age of sixty-six, four years after he had been forced to abdicate as bishop of Vercelli by his fellow monks.

Saint Benedict is today remembered as an early author, but his writing actually began much earlier than that. Some scholars believe that he wrote his Rule in monastery studies, while others believe that he wrote it before going out into the world as a monk .

As with many saints, Saint Benedict is best known for his writings on spirituality, but what does Saint Benedict protect you from? In fact, many people agree that Saint Benedict is one of the most influential spiritual figures in history.

But what does St. Benedict protect you from? This isn’t an easy question to answer because there isn’t a single answer to it — each person has their own unique set of obstacles and challenges they face in their daily lives which affect how they feel about their own work as well as how they view themselves and their work. But we can come up with some generalizations based on our own personal experiences:

  1. Work-related stress: Stress can be extremely debilitating for anyone who works long hours or sees themselves as “just one more” person taking care of others — usually on behalf of someone else (a boss). It can also be stressful if your work day takes you away from home or family more often than when you are at home — especially if your boss doesn’t understand or appreciate your gifts or responsibilities. Many people have found creative ways to cope with this feeling (e.g., reading self-help books like The Secret) without compromising their professional goals and performance standards (e.g., staying focused on things other than your immediate needs).
  2. Financial stress: One thing that economists have found is that work doesn’t pay off financially until after you retire from your job (and even then, not always). But once you retire from work, financial stress becomes really difficult to deal with — especially when you discover (or realize) that there isn’t.


Saint Benedict is the patron saint of Europe. He was born in Italy in the 5th century and became a hermit after living with a man named Ugo. In 480, he founded a monastery at Monte Cassino and later moved it to Rome, where it would remain for many centuries. Saint Benedict lived in company with other people. He lived as though he were one of them and loved to help people.

He was humble, kind, patient and charitable. He was also wise, intelligent, courageous and eager to do good work for others.

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