
When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny.

—  Psalm 73:16-17

What is the answer to the doubts that frequently make us fight? The psalmist claims that until he “entered the sanctuary of God,” his doubts tormented him greatly. In a group of believers who reach out to God in praise and worship, we can find healing even if we are in a place of doubt and unbelief. God is greater than our intellect, so communicating with him through our heart and emotions can aid in our spiritual development.

The psalmist also discovered in God’s presence that the wicked, who honour nothing, end up with nothing. While the righteous are empowered to stand, they are swept away. God, who constantly holds us, is something we can cling to. The psalmist also discovers that he needs to spread the good news. Being close to God is beneficial. I have turned to the Sovereign Lord as my refuge, and I will report on all of your actions. May we all recite these words in the power that only God can provide.


Father , We struggle with scepticism and unbelief,. As we enter your presence to find the Savior who loves us, aid us in getting past our unbelief. Amen.

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