Marriage Reflecting God’s Character

God has blessed you forever. . . . Ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice . . . .

—  Psalm 45:2-4

Marriages today are so easily ended. Divorce has become routine. Breaking relationships designed to last a lifetime results in many broken hearts and homes.Psalm 45 is written as a wedding song for a king. The first several verses describe a king who rules with integrity and justice, reflecting God’s character.

 I want to challenge the men who are reading these words to take note that God and his Word must be central in our lives. If anything is out of line, we must be truthful and humble to seek God’s direction in setting it right. Have we dropped our guard and allowed anything unwholesome to intrude? If we are married, are we giving up the fight and deserting our wives and families?

Let’s look to the Lord for guidance in our relationships—­especially in marriage and family relationships. He alone can help us.

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